Home > Enamel Lavis Panzer Grey Wash 35ml

Enamel Lavis Panzer Grey Wash 35ml

Wash for panzer grey Agrandir l'image



Enamel Product.
The perfect color to give contrast to details and panels on tanks painted with Panzer Grey or any grey tone. Just mix well and use a brush to apply to details, rivets, hatches, etc. and remove excess with a clean brush moist in Enamel Thinner.

The basic technique used to weather any type of model is the wash, a classic technique that is still one of the most used techniques in modelling today.

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3,80 €

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Enamel Lavis Panzer Grey Wash 35ml

Enamel Lavis Panzer Grey Wash 35ml

Enamel Product.The perfect color to give contrast to details and panels on tanks painted with Panzer Grey or any grey tone. Just mix well and use a brush to apply to details, rivets, hatches, etc. and remove excess with a clean brush moist in Enamel Thinner. The basic technique used to weather any type of model is the wash, a classic technique that is still one of the most used techniques in modelling today.

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