Home > Enamel Effects Humidité / Wet 35ml

Enamel Effects Humidité / Wet 35ml

Enamel Nature Effects Effets Humidité / Wet effects 35ml Agrandir l'image



Enamel Product.

Rain, puddles, streaking water and lots of other similar effects can be done using this excellent product. Use it to add a slight sheen creating the appearance of dampness, moisture, and wetness. This product has the perfect solution, for simulating with great realism for all those effects you can see on any type of vehicle. This is not a shiny varnish, it has been specially designed for these kind effects, offering different intensities to the brightness depending on the surface.

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3,80 €

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Enamel Effects Humidité / Wet 35ml

Enamel Effects Humidité / Wet 35ml

Enamel Product. Rain, puddles, streaking water and lots of other similar effects can be done using this excellent product. Use it to add a slight sheen creating the appearance of dampness, moisture, and wetness. This product has the perfect solution, for simulating with great realism for all those effects you can see on any type of vehicle. This is not a shiny varnish, it has been specially designed for these kind effects, offering different intensities to the brightness depending on the surface.

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